Sustainability technologies currently have a low adoption rate in Australian homes

An open-public survey helped us better understand this issue and the answers were essential to shape this online platform towards public interests and needs.


Timeline for the Sustainable Home HQ platform


This research is based on three theories:

Together the three theories agree that there is no straightforward answer to sociotechnical transitions, but many factors interacting and co-evolving in a dynamic system

The diagram below demonstrates how all the three theories communicate with each other.

Not all individuals are ready to change at the same time. Behaviour, mindset and custom practice changes occur over time and are dependant on a series of actions.

The interdependencies and dynamic interaction between factors that provoke sociotechnical transitions is explored by Frank Geels theory and by Elizabeth Shove and Gordon Walker’s theory

Correlating it with Everett Rogers's theory, he describes an innovation-decision process as the process in which an individual goes through knowledge to persuasion, decision, implementation and confirmation.
He also identifies five characteristics that determine the rate of an innovation-decision process, which are:

  1. Trialability - practices and technologies are tested
  2. Observability - trial results can be seen
  3. Complexity - technologies and practices can be better understood
  4. Compatibility - it can then become more socially accepted
  5. Relative Advantage - finally, a technology and/or practice can be seen as advantageous

These steps can all be identified as essential for confirmation occurrence and internal momentum increase.
This internal momentum increase can be seen happening once an innovation reaches its tipping point, which according to Roger’s theory, once an innovation is accepted and adopted by 10 to 20% of individuals it reaches its tipping point generating what is known as Roger’s take-off curve.

Once an innovation reaches the mainstream, its consistent acceptance and adoption may pressure policymakers, markets and utilities creating new trends towards a transition to longer-term changes.


Better understand the main reasons behind the low adoption of sustainability technologies in the Australian housing industry
Create an open-source and trustworthy web page to provide sustainability technology information based on public interests and needs

Be a seed to innovation-decision processes by providing the knowledge necessary for the learning process
Increase sustainability technology adoption rate and consequently improve individuals' health and well-being, together with other financial and environmental benefits

Preliminary Survey Results Summary

Cost is perceived as the primary barrier to the adoption of sustainability technologies. Accordingly, reducing running costs and saving money were identified as its main drivers
Use of renewables ranked highest as the most important factor in a household followed closely by thermal comfort

Confusion due to a significant amount of technologies available and lack of information on its benefits and long-term savings were found to be significant barriers to its adoption
Short animated videos together with online discussion forum and followed by online graphical information were chosen as the most effective information dissemination methods

Preliminary Survey Results

Click here to view the preliminary survey results

Click here to download a PDF of the survey results

Final Survey Results

Click here to view the final survey results

Survey Respondents

To all of you who completed the surveys - Thank you!
We truly value the information you have provided and really appreciate your time.

Research Team


Miss Camila Fonesca Mazzo

Principal Supervisor

Dr Martin Anda


Dr Alex Wang

Dr David Murray

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